About Us

Around here, we don’t look backwards for very long…
We keep moving forward, opening up new doors and doing
new things because we’re curious…and curiosity keeps leading
us down new paths

Walt Disney

We Believe:


  • That ‘learning can happen anywhere at any time’
  • Every child develops dispositions to learn through their senses, creativity, imagination, persistence, enthusiasm, and curiosity
  • Children strive to make meaningful connections through authentic experiences that reflect their interests
  • Learning is effective when play experiences can be transferred and adapted from one context to another
  • Every child learns best when their physical and emotional needs are met as they develop resilience, inter-dependence and a sense of agency


  • Every child is free to learn in an environment where they feel safe, secure and supported
  • Children learn respect, empathy and care through social interaction with adults and other children
  • Visual learning is an important form of expression and is a creative way for children to better understand the world around them
  • Promoting cultural identity, participation and discussion is important to the Shine community. We instil values of multiculturism, acceptance and celebrations
  • Every child’s learning reflects a recurring cycle that begins in awareness, moves to exploration, to inquiry and finally to utilisation

All about learning

At Shine, we provide an age appropriate environment and experiences to enable a child to grow holistically – socially, physically, emotionally and intellectually.

Through a balance of teacher-initiated education, play based learning, exploration and group participation, children can develop as whole complete individuals.

A positive atmosphere and the wellbeing of children is promoted through attentive care and quality interactions with all children.

Emotional development and social relationships are enhanced through thoughtful and sophisticated approaches to conversation, discussion and promotion of children’s language and communication.

An image of children doing an activity in early learning centre.

Children at Shine Early Learning will experience…

  • Active play and exercises which enhance physical development and gross motor skills
  • An expansion of the environment through supervised and educational excursions away from the centre
  • A level of structured / teacher directed experiences that are necessary to help develop skills for a smooth transition from early childhood education to kindergarten / primary school
  • A positive and accepting environment to develop social behaviour leading to independence and self-control
  • Creativity and self-expression are encouraged through a variety of outdoor and indoor activities, music and movement, language and story groups, dramatic play, drama, arts and crafts, poetry and songs
  • A warm, nurturing and happy environment between educators, children and families
  • An all-inclusive sustainability program that actively engages all children in caring for their environment
  • Fine motor and gross motor skills are strengthened through activities including manipulative play, multimedia activities (paint / sand / crayons), block play, balancing beams, running, skipping, catching and throwing
  • Math / science concept skills and natural aspects of our environment are encouraged and provided by block play, building, cooking experiences etc
  • School readiness, social / emotional and independence skills are strengthened through a wide range of activities designed to enhance a child’s auditory, visual and tactile senses

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